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The Blom family (aka Blom Guitars/EB Rooster Guitars) found an unfinished piece of Erik’s artwork. We asked one of Chloe’s friends/artists to reimagine it for us. Having something new in regards to a passed loved one is tremendously precious. So we can’t thank @jkyledavenport with @hausofcurio enough for helping with this project. We thought it would be nice to share this piece with others touched by overdose, addiction, mental illness, grief, or loss. Help us keep his memory and art alive by wearing one of these tshirts. Ten years without Erik has felt like a lifetime but on the same hand it feels like this happened just yesterday. The loss of a loved one feels like the twilight zone. Nothing makes sense anymore and everything feels a little off. It’s a strange reality to explain. Love and miss you Erik, everyday.


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